Diesel Technology Degrees, AAS

无论您是经验丰富的柴油技术人员还是想进入该行业, San Juan College's Diesel Technology program levels up your skills. We offer two degree options to help you boost your career. 参加我们的柴油公路应用科学副学士(AAS)学位,学习如何维护和修理公路卡车. Or, 选择我们的柴油非公路AAS学位,学习如何排除和修复使用柴油技术的重型设备系统.

你可以在两年内完成学位,这意味着你可以很快开始你的职业生涯. 我们还提供学徒计划,可以让你获得工作经验. With SJC's experienced instructors and top-of-the-line equipment, 在这个不断发展的领域,你会在事业上取得成功.  

Why Earn a Diesel Technology Degree?  

By earning a Diesel Technology AAS, 你可以成为一名柴油技师或机械师,在保持经济发展方面发挥关键作用. Diesel engines power a wide range of vehicles and equipment, from over-the-road trucks to construction equipment. 你将是许多依赖重型设备和运输的行业必不可少的工人.

柴油技术行业目前正面临熟练技术人员和机械师的短缺. 这意味着现在是获得柴油技术学位的好时机. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2021年5月,柴油维修技术人员和机械师的平均年薪为48,690美元. 有了学位和经验,无论你住在哪里,你都能找到一份薪水不错的工作.

柴油技术AAS还可以帮助您了解最新的柴油技术. 你将学习和练习使用最新的设备来找到一份事业. Plus, 获得柴油技术的副学士学位将使你与那些可能只持有证书的人区别开来. With your well-rounded education, you’ll find more industry advancement opportunities, such as supervisory roles. 在你的职业生涯中发现更多的选择与柴油技术学位.

Why Complete an AAS in Diesel Technology at San Juan College?

Two Degree Options

SJC offers two degree options for students: the Diesel On-Highway AAS and the Diesel Off-Highway AAS. 柴油公路AAS课程教你火博体育中型和重型公路卡车系统. 柴油非公路AAS专注于维护使用柴油技术的施工设备.

Top-Notch Curriculum and Training

Get the best diesel technology training at SJC. 我们的柴油咨询委员会,由当地行业雇主组成,批准我们的课程. It helps us revise our program based on industry trends and changes. In addition, 我们的说明书遵循美国国家汽车技术人员教育基金会(NATEF)制定的卡车运输行业指南。. 通过我们的课程,您将学到最新的相关指导.

At SJC, 你将使用各种设备和最先进的模拟器,这些设备和模拟器在本州其他地方甚至四角地区都没有. 您将使用来自制造商的多种基于计算机的诊断和服务信息系统, including Caterpillar, Cummins, and Detroit, as well as several on-highway truck manufacturers.

Our diesel instructors are industry-trained, Automotive Service Excellence (ASE)-certified, and have years of field experience. 有了这些工具和他们的经验,你就可以从第一天开始工作了.

Apprenticeship Program

柴油技术项目有一个积极的学徒计划,你可以在你第一年的课程结束时申请. 如果被接受,你会在当地的雇主那里找到一份实习工作. 你可以在完成课程的第二年获得工作经验. Some of the apprenticeships lead to employment following graduation!

Affordable Diesel Technology Program

Because of SJC's low tuition rates我们的Diesel Technology AAS是您职业生涯的绝佳投资. 你会得到进入这个行业所需的专业培训和经验. Discover if you can get your degree tuition-free through the NM Opportunity and Lottery Scholarships.

What You'll Study in the Diesel Technology AAS Programs

学习如何操作,维护和维修柴油动力系统与我们的两年制学位的选择. 您将了解柴油技术的原理,并获得设备和工具的实践经验.

In your core diesel technology courses, you'll study:

  • Electrical/electronic systems
  • Preventative maintenance and inspection
  • Hydraulics fundamentals and troubleshooting
  • HVAC systems
  • Diesel engine and fuel systems
  • Diesel emission systems

你还将参加职业准备课程,发展你的就业准备作品集. To complete your degree, 你将完成通识教育课程,以帮助你接受全面的教育.

与我们经验丰富的讲师一起学习公路柴油技术应用. 你将学习在各种7级和8级重型卡车系统上工作. Along with your core courses, you'll study:

  • On-highway steering and suspension systems
  • On-highway brake systems
  • On-highway drivetrains

Diesel On-Highway AAS Curriculum

发展维护非公路柴油技术应用的技能. You'll learn to work on a variety of heavy equipment systems. Along with your core courses, you'll study:

  • Fluid power
  • Off-highway steering and suspension
  • Off-highway brakes and drivetrains

Diesel Off-Highway AAS Curriculum

Transfer Options

把你的柴油技术副学士学位变成学士学位. 你可以申请AAS学分并进入应用艺术与科学学士(BAAS)或职业教育学士(BOE)课程.

  • 东新墨西哥大学在校园内和网上提供BAAS和BOE课程.
  • Western New Mexico University offers a BOE program.
  • The University of New Mexico offers a BOE program.

There are more institutions nationwide that offer BAAS degrees. Contact your SJC academic advisor and the university's program advisor to plan your academic journey. 

See Our Students at Work

Watch our automotive, auto body, 和柴油技术学生使用最先进的设备在SJC.

Careers and Outcomes

SJC的柴油技术AAS学位课程为您提供入门级技能,为您作为技术人员或机械师的柴油技术职业做好准备. You'll learn technical skills and workplace and personal skills, ensuring you thrive in the workforce.

我们的大多数毕业生找到一份帮助维护或修理车队的工作,然后进入经销商的职位. 我们的一些优秀学生在完成课程后直接被经销商雇用.


  • Bruckner's Truck & Equipment
  • Farmington Freightliner
  • GFL Environmental Inc.
  • Honnen Equipment
  • Inland Kenworth
  • M & R Trucking
  • Stotz Equipment

Next Steps

报名参加柴油技术应用科学副学士学位之一, you must first apply to San Juan College. It's easy, and you can apply online at any time!

Apply Now

If you are already a student at San Juan College, 与您的顾问讨论我们的柴油技术AAS选项,并了解更多火博体育该计划的信息.

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Phone: (505) 566-3320

West Classroom Complex,
Room 1911

M-F 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.